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About Us

  The GLASP team is made up of four Anderson High School students and is guided by Mr. Jeff Rodriguez and Dr. Natalia Connolly. Mr. Rodriguez has been a teacher at Anderson High School for 20 years and met Connolly, a physics professor at Hamilton College, in the mid-1990s. In hopes of providing students with an enriching and educational summer experience, Mr. Rodriguez and Dr. Connolly formed the Gravitational Lensing Astronomy Student Program. The selected students for GLASP have enjoyed the opportunity over the summer of 2011 to conduct research on gravitational lenses, work with advanced astronomy programs, and create this website to present their findings.

      The four students, Kevin Xu, Sabine Loos, Jenny Dickhaus, and CeCe Graff, will continue to further their knowledge of gravitational lensing during the 2011-2012 school year. They will be updating this website regularly to share the results of their extended research and projects. They all hope to make the information of gravitational lensing more readily available to the general public.

From left (front row) students Kevin Xu, Cece Graff, Jenny Dickhaus, and Sabine Loos; (back row) Dr. Natalia Connelly from Hamilton College in New York and Anderson High School science teacher Jeff Rodriguez. Image credit cincinnati.com

Feel free to email us at glasp2011@gmail.com with any comments or suggestions!

Website refaced 2013 by Zach Farmer, Anderson High School class of 2013

Contact info: zakkjf@gmail.com









Press Release at cincinnati.com

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